The LOU REST API offers access to key LOU data.
All resources that you will most likely use are prefixed with a star symbol (⭐).
While integrating the REST API, you may be interested in the following guides:
Productin Product Management
⭐ Product Details
Get Product Details.
Match on sku_id_type: sku
| primary_key
SKU identifier
SKU ID type sku
| primary_key
Status code as in HTTP status code
Status description
Application message code
Application message text
Product SKU
Product SKU identifier
Product SKU code
Product description
Product UPC code
Product SKU type
Product category 1
Product category 2
Product category 3
Product category 4
Product quantity on hand
Product quantity reserved
Product quantity available
Product quantity on order
Product quantity on estimate
Product sell price
Product sell unit of measure
Product sell unit of measure factor
Product price by method
Product price by value
Product default vendor
Product default vendor SKU
Product vendor description
Product vendor alternative UPC
Product purchase cost
Product purchase unit of measure
Product purchase unit of measure factor
Product weight
Product weight unit of measure
Product cubic volume
Product cubic volume unit of measure
Product taxable true
| false
Product track as equipment true
| false
Product discontinued true
| false
Product on clearance true
| false
Product manufacturer
Product manufacturer SKU
Product manufacturer description
SKU tags in the form of a pipe delimited string
SKU alias tags in the form of a pipe delimited string
Extended description text for the order
Extended description text for the invoice
Extended description text for the packing slip
Tag index
Entity name
Tag name
Protection status true
| false
Personnel protecting the tag
Removal status true
| false
Tag notes
Tag name
- Tiersdeveloper
⭐ Product Details by UPC
Get Product Details by UPC.
Match on upc
UPC identifier
Status code as in HTTP status code
Status description
Application message code
Application message text
Product SKUs
Product SKU identifier
Product SKU code
Product description
Product UPC code
Product SKU type
Product category 1
Product category 2
Product category 3
Product category 4
Product quantity on hand
Product quantity reserved
Product quantity available
Product quantity on order
Product quantity on estimate
Product sell price
Product sell unit of measure
Product sell unit of measure factor
Product price by method
Product price by value
Product default vendor
Product default vendor SKU
Product default vendor description
Product default vendor alternative UPC
Product purchase cost
Product purchase unit of measure
Product purchase unit of measure factor
Product weight
Product weight unit of measure
Product cubic volume
Product cubic volume unit of measure
Product taxable true
| false
Product track as equipment true
| false
Product discontinued true
| false
Product on clearance true
| false
Product manufacturer
Product manufacturer SKU
Product manufactuer SKU description
SKU tags in the form of a pipe delimited string
SKU alias tags in the form of a pipe delimited string
Extended description text for the order
Extended description text for the invoice
Extended description text for the packing slip
Alternate Product Vendors
Vendor name
Product SKU from Vendor
Product description from Vendor
Alternate vendor UPC
Alternate vendor cost
Alternate vendor unit measure for cost
Minimum quantity for vendor order
Vendor is default true
| false
Tag index
Entity name
Tag name
Protection status true
| false
Personnel protecting the tag
Removal status true
| false
Tag notes
Tag name
- Tiersdeveloper
Product All
Get All Products.
Status code as in HTTP status code
Status description
Application message code
Application message text
Product SKUs
Product SKU identifier
Product SKU code
Product description
Product UPC code
Product SKU type
- Tiersbetadeveloper
Product Stocksites
Get Product Stocksite Details.
Match on sku_id_type: sku
| primary_key
SKU identifier
SKU ID type sku
| primary_key
Status code as in HTTP status code
Status description
Application message code
Application message text
Product SKU
Product SKU identifier
Product SKU code
Product description
Product UPC code
SKU tags in the form of a pipe delimited string
SKU alias tags in the form of a pipe delimited string
Product Stocksites
Stocksite name
Product quantity on hand
Product quantity reserved
Product quantity available
Product quantity on order
Product quantity on estimate
Stocksite address line 1
Stocksite address line 1
Stocksite city
Stocksite state
Stocksite country
Stocksite postal code
Stocksite latitude
Stocksite longitude
Stocksite phone
Stocksite email
Tag index
Entity name
Tag name
Protection status true
| false
Personnel protecting the tag
Removal status true
| false
Tag notes
Tag name
- Tiersdeveloper
Product Stocksites by UPC
Get Product Stocksite Details by UPC.
Match on upc
UPC identifier
Status code as in HTTP status code
Status description
Application message code
Application message text
Product SKUs
Product SKU identifier
Product SKU code
Product description
Product UPC code
SKU tags in the form of a pipe delimited string
SKU alias tags in the form of a pipe delimited string
Alternate Product Vendors
Vendor name
Product SKU from Vendor
Product description from Vendor
Alternate vendor UPC
Alternate vendor cost
Alternate vendor unit measure for cost
Minimum quantity for vendor order
Vendor is default true
| false
Product Stocksites by UPC
Stocksite name
Product quantity on hand
Product quantity reserved
Product quantity available
Product quantity on order
Product quantity on estimate
Stocksite address line 1
Stocksite address line 1
Stocksite city
Stocksite state
Stocksite country
Stocksite postal code
Stocksite latitude
Stocksite longitude
Stocksite phone
Stocksite email
Tag index
Entity name
Tag name
Protection status true
| false
Personnel protecting the tag
Removal status true
| false
Tag notes
Tag name
- Tiersdeveloper
Product Stocksites/Bin
Get Product Stocksite/Bin Details.
Match on sku_id_type: sku
| primary_key
SKU identifier
SKU ID type sku
| primary_key
Status code as in HTTP status code
Status description
Application message code
Application message text
Product SKU
Product SKU identifier
Product SKU code
Product description
Product UPC code
SKU tags in the form of a pipe delimited string
SKU alias tags in the form of a pipe delimited string
Product Stocksites
Stocksite name
Stocksite address line 1
Stocksite address line 1
Stocksite city
Stocksite state
Stocksite country
Stocksite postal code
Stocksite latitude
Stocksite longitude
Stocksite phone
Stocksite email
Product Bins
Bin name
Bin quantity on hand
Bin quantity reserved
Bin quantity available
Bin quantity on order
Bin quantity on an estimate
Bin is default true
| false
Tag index
Entity name
Tag name
Protection status true
| false
Personnel protecting the tag
Removal status true
| false
Tag notes
Tag name
- Tiersdeveloper
Product Stocksites/Bin by UPC
Get Product Stocksite/Bin Details by UPC.
Match on upc
UPC identifier
Status code as in HTTP status code
Status description
Application message code
Application message text
Product SKUs
Product SKU identifier
Product SKU code
Product description
Product UPC code
SKU tags in the form of a pipe delimited string
SKU alias tags in the form of a pipe delimited string
Alternate Product Vendors
Vendor name
Product SKU from Vendor
Product description from Vendor
Alternate vendor UPC
Alternate vendor cost
Alternate vendor unit measure for cost
Minimum quantity for vendor order
Vendor is default true
| false
Product Stocksites by UPC
Stocksite name
Stocksite address line 1
Stocksite address line 1
Stocksite city
Stocksite state
Stocksite postal code
Stocksite latitude
Stocksite longitude
Stocksite phone
Stocksite email
Bin quantity on hand
Bin quantity reserved
Bin quantity available
Bin quantity on order
Bin quantity on an estimate
Bin is default true
| false
Tag index
Entity name
Tag name
Protection status true
| false
Personnel protecting the tag
Removal status true
| false
Tag notes
Tag name
- Tiersdeveloper
Product Attributes
Get Product Attribute Details.
Match on sku_id_type: sku
| primary_key
SKU identifier
SKU ID type sku
| primary_key
Status code as in HTTP status code
Status description
Application message code
Application message text
Product SKU
Product SKU identifier
Product SKU code
Product description
Product UPC code
SKU tags in the form of a pipe delimited string
SKU alias tags in the form of a pipe delimited string
Product Attributes
Attribute identifier
Attribute sort order
Attribute name
Attribute help text
Tag index
Entity name
Tag name
Protection status true
| false
Personnel protecting the tag
Removal status true
| false
Tag notes
Tag name
- Tiersdeveloper
Product Attributes by UPC
Get Product Attribute Details by UPC.
Match on upc
UPC identifier
Status code as in HTTP status code
Status description
Application message code
Application message text
Product SKUs
Product SKU identifier
Product SKU code
Product description
Product UPC code
SKU tags in the form of a pipe delimited string
SKU alias tags in the form of a pipe delimited string
Alternate Product Vendors
Vendor name
Product SKU from Vendor
Product description from Vendor
Alternate vendor UPC
Alternate vendor cost
Alternate vendor unit measure for cost
Minimum quantity for vendor order
Vendor is default true
| false
Attribute identifier
Attribute sort order
Attribute name
Attribute help text
Tag index
Entity name
Tag name
Protection status true
| false
Personnel protecting the tag
Removal status true
| false
Tag notes
Tag name
- Tiersdeveloper
Product Attribute Answers
Get Product Attribute Answers.
Match on id
Attribute Answer identifier
Status code as in HTTP status code
Status description
Application message code
Application message text
Attribute identifier
Attribute sort order
Attribute name
Attribute help text
Attribute Answers
Attribute answer identifier
Attribute answer sort order
Attribute answer name
Attribute answer price adjustment
Attribute answer cost adjustment
Attribute answer SKU code to append
- Tiersdeveloper
Product Kits
Get Product Kits.
Match on sku_id_type: sku
| primary_key
SKU identifier
SKU ID type sku
| primary_key
Status code as in HTTP status code
Status description
Application message code
Application message text
Product SKU
Product identifier
Product SKU code
Product description
Product UPC code
Kit price
SKU tags in the form of a pipe delimited string
SKU alias tags in the form of a pipe delimited string
Product Kit Components
Product identifier
Product SKU code
Product description
Product SKU type
Product price
Product quantity
Unit measure name
Unit measure conversion factor
Tag index
Entity name
Tag name
Protection status true
| false
Personnel protecting the tag
Removal status true
| false
Tag notes
Tag name
- Tiersdeveloper
Product Kits by UPC
Get Product Kits by UPC.
Match on upc
UPC identifier
Status code as in HTTP status code
Status description
Application message code
Application message text
Product SKUs
Product SKU identifier
Product SKU code
Product description
Product UPC code
SKU tags in the form of a pipe delimited string
SKU alias tags in the form of a pipe delimited string
Kit price
Kit Components
Product SKU identifier
Product SKU code
Product description
Product SKU type
Product price
Product quantity
Unit measure name
Unit measure conversion factor
Tag index
Entity name
Tag name
Protection status true
| false
Personnel protecting the tag
Removal status true
| false
Tag notes
Tag name
- Tiersdeveloper
Product Kit Questions
Get Product Kit Questions.
Match on sku_id_type: sku
| primary_key
SKU identifier
SKU ID type sku
| primary_key
Status code as in HTTP status code
Status description
Application message code
Application message text
Product SKU
Product SKU identifier
Product SKU code
Product description
Product UPC code
SKU tags in the form of a pipe delimited string
SKU alias tags in the form of a pipe delimited string
Product Kit Questions
Question identifier
Question sort order
Question name
Question string
Question requires an answer true
| false
Question allows multiple selection true
| false
Question allows quantity change true
| false
Tag index
Entity name
Tag name
Protection status true
| false
Personnel protecting the tag
Removal status true
| false
Tag notes
Tag name
- Tiersdeveloper
Product Kit Questions by UPC
Get Product Kit Questions by UPC.
Match on upc
UPC identifier
Status code as in HTTP status code
Status description
Application message code
Application message text
Product SKUs
Product SKU identifier
Product SKU code
Product description
Product UPC code
SKU tags in the form of a pipe delimited string
SKU alias tags in the form of a pipe delimited string
Product Kit Questions
Question identifier
Question sort order
Question name
Question string
Question requires an answer true
| false
Question allows multiple selection true
| false
Question allows quantity change true
| false
Tag index
Entity name
Tag name
Protection status true
| false
Personnel protecting the tag
Removal status true
| false
Tag notes
Tag name
- Tiersdeveloper
Product Kit Question Answers
Get Product Kit Question Answers.
Match on kit answer id
Question identifier
Status code as in HTTP status code
Status description
Application message code
Application message text
Kit Question
Question identifier
Question name
Question string
Question requires an answer true
| false
Question allows multiple selection true
| false
Question allows quantity change true
| false
Kit Question Answers
Answer identifier
Answer sort order
Answer SKU
Answer SKU identifier
Answer UPC code
Answer SKU description
Answer comment
Answer SKU quantity
Answer SKU unit measure
Answer SKU unit measure conversion factor
Answer SKU price
- Tiersdeveloper
Product Pictures
Get Product Pictures.
Match on sku_id_type: sku
| primary_key
SKU identifier
SKU ID type sku
| primary_key
Status code as in HTTP status code
Status description
Application message code
Application message text
Product SKU
Product SKU identifier
Product SKU code
Product description
Product UPC code
SKU tags in the form of a pipe delimited string
SKU alias tags in the form of a pipe delimited string
Picture identifier
Picture filename
Picture caption
Picture description
Picture tags
Picture URL
Picture upload date/time. Ex: MM/dd/YYYY h:mm:ss AM/PM
Tag index
Entity name
Tag name
Protection status true
| false
Personnel protecting the tag
Removal status true
| false
Tag notes
Tag name
- Tiersdeveloper
Product Pictures by UPC
Get Product Pictures by UPC.
Match on upc
UPC identifier
Status code as in HTTP status code
Status description
Application message code
Application message text
Product SKUs
Product SKU identifier
Product SKU code
Product description
Product UPC code
SKU tags in the form of a pipe delimited string
SKU alias tags in the form of a pipe delimited string
Alternate Product Vendors
Vendor name
Product SKU from Vendor
Product description from Vendor
Alternate vendor UPC
Alternate vendor cost
Alternate vendor unit measure for cost
Minimum quantity for vendor order
Vendor is default true
| false
Picture identifier
Picture filename
Picture caption
Picture description
Picture tags
Picture URL
Picture upload date/time. Ex: MM/dd/YYYY h:mm:ss AM/PM
Tag index
Entity name
Tag name
Protection status true
| false
Personnel protecting the tag
Removal status true
| false
Tag notes
Tag name
- Tiersdeveloper
Unit Measuresin Company
Unit Measures
Status code as in HTTP status code
Status description
Application message code
Application message text
Unit Measures
Unit measure name
Unit measure conversion factor
Unit measure is default true
| false
- Tiersdeveloper
Schedule Divisionsin Company
Schedule Divisions
Status code as in HTTP status code
Status description
Application message code
Application message text
Schedule Divisions
Schedule Division identifier
Schedule Division name
Schedule Division route start
Route start name
Route start address line 1
Route start address line 2
Route start city
Route start state
Route start postal code
Route start country
Route start longitude
Route start latitude
Schedule hours list
Day of week
Available true
| false
Start time (h:mmAM/PM
End time (h:mmAM/PM
- Tiersdeveloper
Distribution Methodsin Company
Distribution Methods
Status code as in HTTP status code
Status description
Application message code
Application message text
Distribution Methods
Distribution Method identifier
Distribution Method name
Distribution Method is default true
| false
- Tiersdeveloper
Departmentsin Company
Status code as in HTTP status code
Status description
Application message code
Application message text
Department identifier
Department type
Department name
Department address 1
Department address 2
Department city
Department state
Department postal code
Department country
Department longitude
Department latitude
- Tiersdeveloper
Document Typesin Company
Document Types
Status code as in HTTP status code
Status description
Application message code
Application message text
Document Types
Document Type identifier
Document Type description
Document Type is default true
| false
- Tiersdeveloper
Schedule Task Typesin Company
Schedule Task Types
Status code as in HTTP status code
Status description
Application message code
Application message text
Schedule Task Types
Schedule Task Type identifier
Schedule Task Type name
Schedule Task Type default schedule division
- Tiersdeveloper
Payment Methodsin Company
Payment Methods
Status code as in HTTP status code
Status description
Application message code
Application message text
Payment Methods
Payment Method identifier
Payment Method name
Payment Method type
- Tiersdeveloper
Customersin Customers
Customer Create
Create new Customer.
Supply customer attributes. Returns customer details with LOUCustomerID, customer balance, and portal URL.
*Must include company name or last name.
Customer company name | 200 char max
Customer first name | 200 char max
Customer last name | 200 char max
Customer bill to address line 1 | 50 char max
Customer bill to address line 2 | 50 char max
Customer bill to city | 50 char max
Customer bill to state | 25 char max
Customer bill to zip code | 25 char max
Customer bill to country | 50 char max
Customer ship to address line 1 | 50 char max
Customer ship to address line 2 | 50 char max
Customer ship to city | 50 char max
Customer ship to state | 25 char max
Customer ship to zip code | 25 char max
Customer ship to country | 50 char max
Customer phone number | 10 digit string
Customer email address | 200 char max
Customer alias
Customer tags
- Tiersdeveloper
Customer Detail
Get Customer Detail by id
Match on id
Customer identifier
Status code as in HTTP status code
Status description
Application message code
Application message text
LOU Customer ID
Display name (lastName, firstName
Customer first name
Customer last name
Customer bill to address line 1
Customer bill to address line 2
Customer bill to City
Customer bill to State
Customer bill to Zip Code
Customer bill to Country (3 digit code)
Customer ship to address line 1
Customer ship to address line 2
Customer ship to City
Customer ship to State
Customer ship to Zip Code
Customer ship to Country (3 digit code)
Customer phone number
Customer email
Customer alternate ID
Customer alias
Bill Me Later flag true
| false
Bill Me Later message
Bill Me Later credit limit
Customer balance due
Customer portal URL
Parent Customer ID
Parent Customer account name
Parent Customer to Bill
- Tiersdeveloper
Customer Duplicate Check
Check for Customer Duplicates.
Supply known customer attributes. Request returns existing matching customer and a match confidence level.
*Company or last name must be provided.
Company name | 200 char max
Customer first name | 200 char max
Customer last name | 200 char max
Customer bill to address line 1 | 50 char max
Customer ship to address line 1 | 50 char max
Customer Emails
Email address | 200 char max
Customer Phones
Phone number | 10 digit string
- Tiersdeveloper
Sales Ordersin Order
Sales Order Create
Create a Sales Order.
Order total | Must be equal to SKU total and tax total if present, up to 2 decimal precision
Department ID | Must match with an active department
Distribution method ID | Must match with an active distribution method
Document type ID | Must match with an active document type
Customer facing notes
Internal notes
Order tags in the form of a pipe delimited string | 25 character max
Order alias tags in the form of a pipe delimited string | 100 character per tag, 2000 character max
Customer Information
LOU customer vanity ID | Must match with an active LOU customer
Customer email
Customer phone | 10 digits
Customer bill to address line 1 | 50 char max
Customer bill to address line 2 | 50 char max
Customer bill to city | 50 char max
Customer bill to state | 25 char max
Customer bill to postal code | 25 char max
Customer bill to country | 50 char max
Customer ship to address line 1 | 50 char max
Customer ship to address line 2 | 50 char max
Customer ship to city | 50 char max
Customer ship to state | 25 char max
Customer ship to postal code | 25 char max
Customer ship to country | 50 char max
Product SKUs for Order
Product SKU code | Must match an active SKU
Product quantity | Up to 2 decimal precision
Product subtotal | Up to 2 decimal precision
Card Payments
Card charge amount | Up to 2 decimal precision
Card authorization code
Card brand
Card last four digits | 4 digits
Card holder name
Card expiration date | Must be in MM/YYYY format
Card payment comment
Tax Code - Tax Code and Tax Authorities must match with LOU tax codes
Tax code name
Tax code rate | Up to 2 decimal precision
Tax code amount | Up to 2 decimal precision
Tax Authorities
Tax authority name
Tax authority rate | Up to 2 decimal precision
Tax authority amount | Up to 2 decimal precision
Schedule Tasks for Order
Future Date string | Must be in MM/DD/YYYY format
Task type ID | Must match with an active task type
Schedule division ID | Must match with an active schedule division
Task comment
Task tags
- Tiersmock datadeveloper
Sales Order Detail
Get Sales Order details by id
Sales Order identifier
Status code as in HTTP status code
Status description
Application message code
Application message text
Document vanity ID
Order type
Order status
Order creation date
Personnel name
Department ID
Department name
Distribution method ID
Distribution method name
Document type ID
Document type name
Internal note
Customer facing notes
Order tags in the form of a pipe delimited string
Order alias tags in the form of a pipe delimited string
Customer Information
LOU customer vanity ID
Customer email
Customer phone
Customer bill to address line 1
Customer bill to address line 2
Customer bill to city
Customer bill to state
Customer bill to postal code
Customer bill to country
Customer ship to address line 1
Customer ship to address line 2
Customer ship to city
Customer ship to state
Customer ship to postal code
Customer ship to country
Product SKUs
Product SKU identifier
Product SKU code
Product UPC code
Product quantity
Product price
Product subtotal
Product discount
Product description
Product SKU type
Product sell unit of measure
Product sell unit of measure factor
Card Payments
Card charge amount
Card authorization code
Card brand
Card last four digits
Card holder name
Card expiration date (MM/YYYY)
Card payment comment
Tax code
Tax code name
Tax code rate
Tax code is Avalara true
| false
Tax Authorities
Tax authority name
Tax authority rate
Schedule tasks for order
Task ID
Task title
Task status
Date string for the first day of the task in a MM/DD/YYYY format
Date string for the last day of the task in a MM/DD/YYYY format
Task type ID
Task type name
Schedule division ID
Added from calendar boolean true
| false
Confirmed boolean true
| false
Confirmed by customer boolean true
| false
MultiDay boolean true
| false
Earlier appointment requested boolean true
| false
Task start time string provided in an 'hh:MM a' format
Day of the week the task begins
Time the task begins
Time the task is estimated to end
Estimated hours
Estimated minutes
Number of times the task has been rescheduled
Task comments provided
Task Assets
Asset name
Asset status true
| false
Tag index
Entity name
Tag name
Protection status true
| false
Personnel protecting the tag
Removal status true
| false
Tag notes
Tag name
- Tiersmock datadeveloper
Work Ordersin Order
Work Order Create
Create a Work Order.
Order total | Must be equal to SKU total and tax total if present, up to 2 decimal precision
Department ID | Must match with an active department
Distribution method ID | Must match with an active distribution method
Document type ID | Must match with an active document type
Task type ID | Must match with an active task type
Schedule division ID | Must match with an active schedule division
Description of the work order request from client
Customer facing notes
Internal notes
Order tags in the form of a pipe delimited string | 25 character max
Order alias tags in the form of a pipe delimited string | 100 character per tag, 2000 character max
Customer Information
LOU customer vanity ID | Must match with an active LOU customer
Customer email
Customer phone | 10 digits
Customer bill to address line 1 | 50 char max
Customer bill to address line 2 | 50 char max
Customer bill to city | 50 char max
Customer bill to state | 25 char max
Customer bill to postal code | 25 char max
Customer bill to country | 50 char max
Customer ship to address line 1 | 50 char max
Customer ship to address line 2 | 50 char max
Customer ship to city | 50 char max
Customer ship to state | 25 char max
Customer ship to postal code | 25 char max
Customer ship to country | 50 char max
Product SKUs for Order
Product SKU code | Must match an active SKU
Product quantity | Up to 2 decimal precision
Product subtotal | Up to 2 decimal precision
Card Payments
Card charge amount | Up to 2 decimal precision
Card authorization code
Card brand
Card last four digits | 4 digits
Card holder name
Card expiration date | Must be in MM/YYYY format
Card payment comment
Tax Code - Tax Code and Tax Authorities must match with LOU tax codes
Tax code name
Tax code rate | Up to 2 decimal precision
Tax code amount | Up to 2 decimal precision
Tax Authorities
Tax authority name
Tax authority rate | Up to 2 decimal precision
Tax authority amount | Up to 2 decimal precision
Schedule Tasks for Order
Future Date string | Must be in MM/DD/YYYY format
Task type ID | Must match with an active task type
Schedule division ID | Must match with an active schedule division
Task comment
Task tags
- Tiersmock datadeveloper
Work Order Detail
Get Work Order details by id
Work Order identifier
Status code as in HTTP status code
Status description
Application message code
Application message text
Document vanity ID
Order type
Order status
Order creation date
Personnel name
Department ID
Department name
Distribution method ID
Distribution method name
Document type ID
Document type name
Work order request
Internal note
Customer facing notes
Order tags in the form of a pipe delimited string
Order alias tags in the form of a pipe delimited string
Customer Information
LOU customer vanity ID
Customer email
Customer phone
Customer bill to address line 1
Customer bill to address line 2
Customer bill to city
Customer bill to state
Customer bill to postal code
Customer bill to country
Customer ship to address line 1
Customer ship to address line 2
Customer ship to city
Customer ship to state
Customer ship to postal code
Customer ship to country
Product SKUs
Product SKU identifier
Product SKU code
Product UPC code
Product quantity
Product price
Product subtotal
Product discount
Product description
Product SKU type
Product sell unit of measure
Product sell unit of measure factor
Card Payments
Card charge amount
Card authorization code
Card brand
Card last four digits
Card holder name
Card expiration date (MM/YYYY)
Card payment comment
Tax code
Tax code name
Tax code rate
Tax code is Avalara true
| false
Tax Authorities
Tax authority name
Tax authority rate
Schedule tasks for order
Task ID
Task title
Task status
Date string for the first day of the task in a MM/DD/YYYY format
Date string for the last day of the task in a MM/DD/YYYY format
Task type ID
Task type name
Schedule division ID
Added from calendar boolean true
| false
Confirmed boolean true
| false
Confirmed by customer boolean true
| false
MultiDay boolean true
| false
Earlier appointment requested boolean true
| false
Task start time string provided in an 'hh:MM a' format
Day of the week the task begins
Time the task begins
Time the task is estimated to end
Estimated hours
Estimated minutes
Number of times the task has been rescheduled
Task comments provided
Task Assets
Asset name
Asset status true
| false
Tag index
Entity name
Tag name
Protection status true
| false
Personnel protecting the tag
Removal status true
| false
Tag notes
Tag name
- Tiersmock datadeveloper
Tenantin Admin
Tenant Search
Get Tenant List.
Get all or filter by optional query_string
Filter the Tenant list by this value
if response is an error, false
if not.
The reason for the error, or success
if no error.
Tenant list
Tenant primary key (auto-increment)
Tenant name
Tenant identifier
Tenant serial number
Tenant insert date
- Tiersadmin
Tenant Detail
Get Tenant Detail.
Match on tenant_id
Tenant identifier
if response is an error, false
if not.
The reason for the error, or success
if no error.
Tenant primary key (auto-increment)
Tenant name
Tenant identifier
Tenant serial number
Tenant insert date
- Tiersadmin
Tenant by Serial Number
Get Tenant by Serial Number.
Serial number
if response is an error, false
if not.
The reason for the error, or success
if no error.
Tenant primary key (auto-increment)
Tenant name
Tenant identifier
Tenant serial number
Tenant insert date
- Tiersadmin
Tenant Tokens
Get Tokens by Tenant ID.
Match Tenant on tenant_id
Tenant identifier
if response is an error, false
if not.
The reason for the error, or success
if no error.
Token list
Token primary key (auto-increment)
Token identifier
Token friendly name
Developer identifier
Internal token
External token
Token insert date
One or more access privileges
Is Token active 1
| 0
Is Token on hold 1
| 0
- Tiersadmin
Tenant Developers
Get Tenant Developers.
Match Tenant on tenant_id
Tenant identifier
if response is an error, false
if not.
The reason for the error, or success
if no error.
Developer list
Developer primary key (auto-increment)
Developer identifier
Developer name
Developer insert date
Is Developer active 1
| 0
Is Developer on hold 1
| 0
Is Developer approved 1
| 0
- Tiersadmin
Create/Update Tenant
Create or Update a Tenant.
If the tenant_id
matches an existing Tenant, update that entity.
Tenant identifier
Tenant friendly name
Tenant serial number
Tenant insert date
- Tiersadmin
Developerin Admin
Developer Search
Get Developer List.
Get all or filter by optional query_string
Filter the Developer list by this value
if response is an error, false
if not.
The reason for the error, or success
if no error.
Developer list
Developer primary key (auto-increment)
Developer name
Developer identifier
Developer insert date
Is Developer active 1
| 0
Is Developer on hold 1
| 0
Is Developer approved 1
| 0
- Tiersadmin
Developer Detail
Get Developer Details.
Match Developer on developer_id
Developer identifier
if response is an error, false
if not.
The reason for the error, or success
if no error.
Developer primary key (auto-increment)
Developer name
Developer identifier
Developer insert date
Is Developer active 1
| 0
Is Developer on hold 1
| 0
Is Developer approved 1
| 0
- Tiersadmin
Create/Update Developer
Create or Update an Developer.
If the developer_id
matches an existing Developer, update that entity.
Developer identifier
Developer name
Developer insert date
Is developer active 1
| 0
Is developer on hold 1
| 0
Is developer approved 1
| 0
- Tiersadmin
Tokenin Admin
Token Search
Get Token List.
Get all or filter by optional query_string
, tenant_id
, or developer_id
Filter by name
Filter by Tenant identifier
Filter by developer identifier
if response is an error, false
if not.
The reason for the error, or success
if no error.
Token primary key (auto-increment)
Token identifier
Token friendly name
Tenant identifier
Developer identifier
Internal token
External token
Token insert date
One or more access privileges
Is token active 1
| 0
Is token on hold 1
| 0
- Tiersadmin
Token Detail
Get Token Details and Access.
Token identifier
if response is an error, false
if not.
The reason for the error, or success
if no error.
Token primary key (auto-increment)
Token identifier
Token friendly name
Tenant identifier
Developer identifier
Internal token
External token
Token insert date
One or more access privileges
Is token active 1
| 0
Is token on hold 1
| 0
- Tiersadmin
External Token
Get Token by External Token.
External Token
if response is an error, false
if not.
The reason for the error, or success
if no error.
Token primary key (auto-increment)
Token identifier
Token friendly name
Tenant identifier
Developer identifier
Internal token
External token
Token insert date
One or more access privileges
Is Token active 1
| 0
Is Token on hold 1
| 0
- Tiersadmin
Create/Update Token
Create or Update a Token.
If the token_id
matches an existing Token, update that entity.
Token identifier
Token friendly name
Tenant identifier
Developer identifier
Internal token
External token
Token insert date
One or more access privileges
Is Token active 1
| 0
Is Token on hold 1
| 0
- Tiersadmin